
The words that weren’t boldly spoken to me as a child. Because I grew up in a war zone, my Mother whispered these words to me out of both fear and respect. You are the only you that will ever grace this planet. You are so special. You are talented. You are Loved. You are worthy of Love. You are worthy to Love. You are beautiful. You are unique. You are blessed. You are strong. You are daring. You won’t always be down. When times get better, you’ll be more than ready. When times get tough, you’ll be more than ready. You are worthy of Family. You will never be forgotten. You are my Son, and I Love You… You are my Son, and I Love You. I lost myself for a while. I was lost in my own translation of all that I thought Life should be. No longer. Because I grew up in a war zone, I now believe the words that were whispered to me out of both fear and respect. I am the only me that will ever grace this planet. I am special. I am talented. I am Loved. I am worthy of Love. I am worthy to Love. I am beautiful. I am unique. I am blessed. I am strong. I am daring. I won’t always be down. When times get better, I’ll be more than ready. When times get tough, I’ll be more than ready. I am worthy of Family. I will never be forgotten. I am her Son, and I Love Her. I am her Son, and I Love Her. You are all my People, and I believe in You. You are all my People, and I believe in You. With that being said, take that leap of faith and trust that the net will appear. Even if it doesn’t, isn’t this view of the world amazing???? You Are…. Patrick

This week, please do something for someone other than yourself for no other reason than to make their lives better. As always, if you make it to where you’re going, please don’t forget to leave a map for the rest of us. Always Choose Love Because Love Changes Everything..

One thought on “Affirmations.

  1. aprilmichelleweemsgmailcom May 24, 2022 / 1:21 am

    You are loved and I believe in you!!💜

    Liked by 1 person

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